Wednesday, September 10, 2014

This is your fearless short stop here and I must say that there are several things I can say about Ms Carmichael with her magical flying cards and such but mostly in town they are talking about the recent fights between Susie and Nikolai , they have been really going at it with each other about old wounds.
Why are grown ups so strange? they can't seem to see when they are scarin' the smaller ones an' ah cant stand it any longer they have to stop! to me that is a important relationship for the kids to see and know that you can be with someone and be with each other  through thick an' thin!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

The Teacher thing

Welcome, this is the epic Shortstop, yes it is I the  all ... cool. Wait what was I talking about oh whatever...
(My teacher found my diary and made me do this)
 This writing  is so dumb.
As I went to the sheriff, he told us to go and shoot the beast until it stoped moving. So then I took up my slingshot and got right under it. The beast smelled as if the milk in the inn had gone bad. That was new as well as the giant uh... club .that that's it, giant club hahaha right just so you don't think I'm bluffing this is a giant bird with arms.

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Welcome to novigrad

                   Once soon a time there was me I am shortstop the totally awesome ninja that roams the out skirts of novigrad, a small-town that is full of things to do, like helping Susie oh whit I need to Introduce y'all to all my friends or the gang first there's the sheriff , Mark best aim ever, then there's Miss Carmicll the teacher (who has super powers and magic, cool), but wait  one more Susie "love" she runs the inn and and attends to our mayor Nicolie he is Russian and a alien but I haven't seen his ship yet but when I do me an d my dog, rusty( who, if talk to thinks every one else is a sheep and he is the sheep dog th a t I the kun-fu awesomeness have conversations with. Wow I said that non stop I wonder how long t will take for you people to read this ,man won't that be fun to watch latter oh right so like I said in this town you never get bored here!